Tuesday, September 25, 2007

RJ spent the morning with me, the afternoon with his Great-Grandma Renee then the evening with me while his mother was taking some engagement pictures for some friends. Grandpa Ed walked by and started talking to him and RJ grabbed his finger in delight at the sound of a male voice and the comfort that there was still testosterone in the world. Being the first boy in 3 generations is a lot of pressure for the little guy, I think he is in danger of estrogen toxicity.

Hannah and Jason's engagement pictures turned out beautiful. Kelci is spreading her wings as a photographer and soaring.


Junebug said...

That is one beautiful girl and your daughter is a great photographer. I saw your post over at Ree's. I just started blogging for the enjoyment of writing down some of my thoughts. It is fun too.

Junebug said...

Thanks for visiting my space. I have great memories of my dad. Hope to talk to you again. Thanks,