Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lab Rat

I went to the Rheumatologist today. It was for Inclusion or Exclusion in a drug trial. Funny thing about Lupus, you want to fail some tests just so they can figure out what is wrong so it can be treated. When the first major test results came back that pointed to an auto-immune disorder, I called my mom to tell her that I had a positive ANA and therefore I wasn't crazy. She replied,"Honey, the test didn't say you weren't crazy."

I am pretty sure that I was responsible for the death of a tree today. The paperwork for this study took almost 3 hours to complete. The nurse took 5 vials of blood then she asked me to do as much as I could for the urine sample because they had a couple of tests to run on it. As usual, I overachieved, I overflowed the cup and had to pour some out.....ewww. I did feel quite proud of myself when I left the sample on the little table outside the restroom, it was brighter and bigger than anyone else's. Yes, I am easily amused, just ask anyone who knows me.

Now I wait until the lab results are in and a panel for the drug trial reviews my chart and decides if I am included or excluded. Never have I wanted to be "included" so much.


Shelley said...

I know you don't know me, but I like to read blogs, and when I hit "next blog", yours came up. You're funny and honest, I like that. Congratulations on your new grandbaby! I kind of know what you mean about the "you don't look sick" comments. My husband has M.S., and he doesn't look sick either, but he can't stand or be in the heat for any length of time, and people do give funny looks. Anyway, good luck with your med trials, I hope they help you!

Cammie said...

Thank you so much! I started writing mainly for therapy, technically, I have only told my friend up in Kansas that I am writing it. It is kind of liberating write when your friends and family aren't reading it.:>:>

My sister's answer back to anyone who says that she doesn't look sick is to say, "Appearances are deceiving, you don't look that stupid either". She has very limited mobility of her right shoulder due to a injury on horseback....actually, it was leaving the horse's back and landing on the shoulder that was the problem. :>

The online shop at www.butyoudontlooksick.com has some great t-shirts that your husband might enjoy. I have my eye on a couple of them.:> I know how hard a chronic, invisible disease is on the patient and the family, you all are the stuff that hero's are made of.
